Gayle Gardens is a company governed by a passion for design and science. In an effort to create beautiful landscapes, we know that good design will not sustain itself unless it has the right groundwork.
Regular soil assessments that look at the biology in the soil are the most important first step in restoring and rebalancing any landscape. Without a healthy balance of bacteria and fungi, the soil food web is weakened and the environment suffers.
While we plan to deliver stunning landscapes, we also consider how the land can inform the design, how it may evolve ten and twenty years down the line, and plan accordingly. The goal is not to build to a certain end, but to change the trajectory in a dynamic process of coevolution between person and place.
It is a privilege and a responsibility to work with the earth and to implement functional landscape elements that enhance the human experience. Beyond aesthetics, there has never been a better time to build back resilient and regenerative landscapes that support our local ecology. In doing so we design to extend our short New England seasons by incorporating nitrogen-fixing, early bulb species, and the long-standing carriages of hardy perennials. This seasonal extension provides winter forage and habitat for wildlife, protective layers for soil biotics, and curiosities all winter long.
It is important for us to acknowledge the wisdom that has been passed down through generations that feeds much of how we approach every new design project. We respectfully acknowledge the Wampanoag people, who have stewarded this land throughout the generations. We continue to educate ourselves with regard to their ancient wisdom and make language around each project that is indebted to all that came before.